One more week of class??!! It feels like it just flew by! I get a week of break time, then I am back at school studying Intermediate French 1, followed by the Age of Revolution. Should be a fun summer, except that Noah will be in Kentucky for his internship. Road trip anyone?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
the Media
Why can't the media just simply report the news? I understand that we are all dying to know what happened at Virginia Tech and how someone could do such a horrible crime, but honestly, do we have to bother people like we do? I love how they always ask 'what was your reaction'? I think we all know. I want to know who was killed, what their story was, how someone could slip through the cracks and commit such a thing? But mostly, I want to know why the media keeps showing the platform of those who bring attention to themselves and ideas through such horrible acts. Do not encourage other shooters. It is one thing to talk about his mental illness, but another to display his pictures and writings.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Famed Author Dies
Kurt Vonnegut died. How sad. I read Slaughterhouse Five and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Despite being very odd, it was a great read.>1=9246&mpc=2
Monday, March 05, 2007
I think this blog needs a bit more culture....
therefore, I will post some Kahlil Gibran.
From the book "The Prophet"...
Speak to us of Teaching:
And he said:
No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.
The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.
If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.
The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding.
The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it.
And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither.
For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man.
And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.
Spring Break!!!
That's right, it's that time of the year again for the college students! The time when we get to sit around and do absolutely nothing. Be jealous, be very jealous.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
a long post
"Pray for those who persecute you"
Forgive me since I don't know the exact bible verse, but I think we all know who said it. I just want to start off this blog saying that I am an incredibly sensitive person. I don't take criticism well and I get quite emotional if I find that someone has said something hurtful about me. I think that I am kind of an easy target because I tend to give off that vibe that others can push me around. This being said, what do we do when we find that someone has said something mean towards us, especially someone we thought was our friend. Well, I think we pray. I thought of all the things we could do, ignore them, seek revenge, etc. but nothing will ever make it better; that person has still hurt you. I think the only think you can do is pray. maybe it's also the only thing you should do. I think it takes a hurtful experience to help us realize how hurtful we have been to others. If I hold something against someone else, I give them every right to hold whatever horrible remark I have made towards them against me. And no one wants to live with their mistakes. I don't think we realize all of the careless remarks we make day in and day out. We never realized all of the bad things we say about people until we hear a remark about ourselves. then we think what a horrible person they are because they have judged me. how dare they! but we do it all the time. So I'm writing this blog in an effort to open our eyes a bit more to what we say. Remember, we will be held accountable for everyone idle word we speak. This is not to say that we should go around saying wonderful things about people when they don't deserve them, but who said we should ever say bad things about them even if they did deserve it? I think often we criticize others to feel less critical about ourselves. We all (especially myself) need to stop being perfectionists! I magnify every flaw I see with not only others but also myself. That's just plain stupid. I guess those are my thoughts lol. I am sorry to anyone I have ever said an unkind, idle word to.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas Shopping
I might be alone on this, but I think the hardest person to shop for is my Dad. You can only get a man so many golf balls or other golf related accessories. That has to get old. I am at a complete loss as to what to get him. Any ideas?
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!
The semester is over with! I am still awaiting one more history grade. Not a really great semester sadly. I received a C+ in philosophy, a B+ in one hist. class and a B in the other. I hope my other class is an A and the professor is just holding out on me. I'm pretty sure that's it.