Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the white paper

Many of you may have heard what is going on at Ut. Our new president, the president of mco, has decided to take the university in a direction of becoming a technological school. This isn't really good news for our Ph.D program in History. I just want to know why everything is becoming more 'technologically advanced'. Why is it always the arts and humanities that are underappreciated?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sweetest Day is coming up....

What are your plans, if any?
Also, happy nine months Noah. For those of you who feel we've been dating longer than that, we have but it's a long story.
I really hope I get some comments!! If you need a babysitter Jessica, I would be happy to help. After the last time you tried a date night, I think it's only fair.

Picture of the Day

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A poll

Now that my job will end in November, I am asking for you to help me choose another job. I like to think that I have a choice in this, but I guess it's up to whoever is hiring. Anyway, I am thinking about applying to Fifth Third Bank and I'm going to the Manor House tomorrow at Wildwood to see if I could possibly be hired to give tours. Please leave your suggestions in the comment box.

More pictures (sorry, read bottom blog first).

New Orleans, the French Quarter.
Yep, a pirates alley in New Orleans.
The Alamo in San Antonio. I hope you remembered. Also, the riverwalk in San Antonio, which was really pretty.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel April 4th, 1968. They've turned it into a Civil Rights museum now and I highly recommend going there.
Yep, Elvis really did shoot his t.v. The man suffered from insominia.
More pictures of Louisiana and Mississppi to come later. I promise.

Finally, some of my photos from my trip!

Johnny Cash, one of my favorites in country music.
Some of Ray Charles' glasses on display at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville.
A blurry picture of the Smokey Mountains.
Standing on the Grand Ole Opry Stage.
(These descriptions aren't in order).
Graceland, where Elvis lived. That crazy room is the jungle room. I think that the white light is Elvis.

Attempting to encourage more blogger participation besides the one brave soul that took my quiz....

"What is your favorite song by the King?"

Mine is either 'Suspicious Minds' or 'Kentucky Rain'. Your turn.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I really do apologize for the lack of posts, but I am working almost 28.5 hours this week and going to school.

Alright, I think only one person took my quiz. This blog is maintained by viewers like you. I need comments or else I lose my will to write.
1) Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of Treasury
2) Clara Bow was the 'it' girl of the 1920s
3) Herbert Hoover was president when the Depression started
4) John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were both running for the presidency, however, Aaron Burr and Jefferson tied (Burr was running as vice president).
5) Aaron Burr
6) Hemmingway and Fitzgerald ( I answered that in class and she assumed I was an English major)
7) half a million people in America, 20 million worldwide
8) Jackie Kennedy
9) african americans traveled to the north in search of jobs and better treatment (way to go mr. earl)
10) polio

Just remember, you can't know where you are going until you know where you've been.

Friday, October 06, 2006

History quiz

In an effort to boost comments and blogger participation. I have come up with a little quiz for all of you. As you know, I am a history major and what better to quiz you on the very things I have been learning!! Hopefully some of them aren't too hard, and you can impress everyone with your knowledge of things that don't really affect us now.

1) Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States?
2) Who was considered the 'It' girl of the movies in the 1920s?
3) Who was president when the Depression stuck?
4) The 1800 election was between which two main candidates?
5) Who shot Alexander Hamilton? (think milk commercial)
6) Who were the main two authors of the Jazz age (according to my teacher, I can't be sued if this is not in accordance to opinions)?
7) How many Americans were killed in the influenza epidemic that struck in 1918?
8) Which famous first lady attended Vassar college?
9) What was the Great Migration of the 1920s?
10) What disease did F.D.R. have that the media tried to hide?

Bonus: Explain the difference between old immigration and new immigration.


Hi, my name is Ashley Nicole Riehle and I have a problem with not blogging anymore.

All: Hi Ashley!