Friday, June 23, 2006

What is beauty to you?

So it's summertime which means that millions of girls are probably working out right now to fit into their bikinis, get a tan, etc etc. That brings up a point that I have been dealing with lately. Who defines what it means to be beautiful anyway? When I was younger (and a lot of times even now), I always wanted a little something of myself to be change. Maybe a different eye color than blah brown, or lighter hair. And even though the guys can't relate, I always thought that maybe if I just wore my hair different or wore different make up I'd be prettier. I think it's so common in our society to compare ourselves to other girls or even be rated by guys (no offense anoynomous friend). But really, what is true beauty?

"Your adornment must not be merely exteral-braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."


Blogger jessica said...

Beauty is what is on the inside. Once you find the beauty on the inside you find it on the outside. Everyone has something that makes them unique and beautiful. What's the point of lookin like everyone else, do what you want to look different and thats what is noticed. Be you.

8:56 PM

Blogger jessica said...

Check out my blog

8:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your blog... it is riehl (real) cool. I just wish you would post more often. Anyways peace out from TCPE!

7:50 PM

Blogger Joel said...


What is beauty? That's a very difficult question. I would make a distinction between inner and outer beauty. Otherwise the word doesn't have much meaning. Inner beauty can be very easily defined and I don't think I'd be saying anything that you don't already know about "being nice" ect. ect.

Outer beauty, on the other hand, is indeed in the eye of the beholder. It's largly a matter of opinion. For example, nine out of every ten guys will probably say that the supermodel type is attractive. I don't feel this way at all. I prefer a girl that has a certain quirky quality to her. A good example from pop culture would probably be Joanna Newsom. A lot of guys want Pamela Anderson, but I want Joanna Newsom.

1:02 AM


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