Thursday, September 21, 2006

Instead of working on my homework.....

I have decided to blog! I don't know why I am such a procrastinator. I have a 5 page paper due monday and I have yet to finish the book. I also have to come up with a thesis for my research paper by tomorrow. My topic is Pirates; a french pirate named Jean Florin as a matter of fact. You would think that my impending work would motivate me to do something, however, that is not the case.


Blogger jessica said...

I am very much a procrastinater- Good luck!! I do know you'll a more relaxing weekend if it's not hanging over your head but you probably already know that.

10:24 PM

Blogger larchmeany said...

How could you procrastinate on a paper about pirates? Pirates, for goodness sake! Get to work!

12:02 AM


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