Thursday, November 30, 2006

A bit of a rant....

I was just watching a report on the news dealing with Rick Warren. Apparently some do not feel that he should have invited a pro-choice democrat to talk at his church. I do not want to cause controversy, but I feel that the church really needs to wake up. It is become too involved with politics and not involved enough with what really matters. I am not saying that politics do not matter, but affecting the laws can only do so much. Can't we affect more people by our examples rather than trying to push these laws into the system? I know this makes me feel hypocritical because I do not volunteer with pro-life clinics, however, I just feel that it is better to show compassion and understanding to someone who is going through something like that rather than force a law down their throat. How many people actually obey the laws? We have so many and they don't really help. I am curious as to how the abortion issue has become so strong in the church. I feel it is very important, yet I also feel that poverty and domestic abuse should be tackled as well. We talk about the sanctity of life. How can we stand by as women and children are abused? I believe that many things could be stopped (abortion, drug abuse, etc) if we gave everyone a fair shot at life and created jobs in low income areas. How many kids are being hurt by gangs? Aren't their lives sacred? I guess my main point is this; Jesus didn't try to change the laws and maybe we shouldn't try so hard to change laws, but to change hearts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:46 PM


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