Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Shopping

I might be alone on this, but I think the hardest person to shop for is my Dad. You can only get a man so many golf balls or other golf related accessories. That has to get old. I am at a complete loss as to what to get him. Any ideas?

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

The semester is over with! I am still awaiting one more history grade. Not a really great semester sadly. I received a C+ in philosophy, a B+ in one hist. class and a B in the other. I hope my other class is an A and the professor is just holding out on me. I'm pretty sure that's it.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

You're a dead duck!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A hypocritical blogger?

Let me get this straight. I don't update for a while and get kicked off the link list. Adam doesn't update for a week and it's ok? I know how it goes, first it's a week, then it's a month. Before you know it you're a year older and haven't updated. Adam, I'm seeing the signs now. Repent! Go back to your blog you prodigal blogger you before it's too late (ex. everyone stops reading it).

Friday, December 01, 2006

My thoughts....

It seems that a lot of people are getting engaged lately. I've noticed that it is a subject that many people hold conflicting views about (akward sentencing, but it's 12:30). I think a lot of girls my age might hold a misconception of marriage, though I am not married and could not possibly know. However, I feel that marriage is more work then (than?) young people would like to admit to. I think it's a bad idea to go into marriage thinking that it will complete your life. While we might often have that 'special someone' who does complete our life, we can never allow that to happen until we have first started the process to become complete in ourselves and in our relationship to God (I feel that it is a process). Whether you date for a long time or a short period, it is important to see the relationship past the feelings. Let's be honest with ourselves, we will not always feel that giddy feeling we first had when we met, especially during a fight or a rough patch in the marriage. Relationships have to be built on commitment and trust. We have to evaluate ourselves and make sure that we are ready for this kind of commitment, it can't be taken lightly. I don't think that I am ready to get married (I'm still in school and not yet 22), but I think that by acknowlegding this, I might be closer to the day when I will be. I would like to hear some other thoughts on the subject, perhaps some married bloggers.

I have a bad case of the end of the semester blues....

Dear Friends:
I have found that I am no longer able to attend to my schoolwork. It is true that I am in a rut. I have 3 papers to write for next week and I am unable to sit down and actually write these papers. I feel that I do not have a proper research method. I am also lacking sufficent caffeine. I become disillusioned when I have to write on a topic (the Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr duel), that is just depressing. One of my other topics (for my philosophy class), is on Thomas Aquinas. I'm quite confident that I know nothing of him except that he was a Christian and I believe that he was fond of reason. I would appreciate large donations of starbucks coffee (my new thing). Instead, save yourself some money and just leave encouraging comments.

A new goal

I think I may have decided what I want to do in life. I feel like I really want to get my Ph.D. in history and become a college professor. Part of me really feels like it is too much, like I am just bound to fail. However, another part tells me that it is wrong to waste your passion just because you feel that you can't succeed. I also might like to work with charities, I know they will take a history degree. Any thoughts?