Friday, December 01, 2006

I have a bad case of the end of the semester blues....

Dear Friends:
I have found that I am no longer able to attend to my schoolwork. It is true that I am in a rut. I have 3 papers to write for next week and I am unable to sit down and actually write these papers. I feel that I do not have a proper research method. I am also lacking sufficent caffeine. I become disillusioned when I have to write on a topic (the Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr duel), that is just depressing. One of my other topics (for my philosophy class), is on Thomas Aquinas. I'm quite confident that I know nothing of him except that he was a Christian and I believe that he was fond of reason. I would appreciate large donations of starbucks coffee (my new thing). Instead, save yourself some money and just leave encouraging comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could help! Homework- UGH!!! Caffeine- helps!!! All i have is good luck and Ill pray for you, you have the desire to get them done!

3:44 PM


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